The Adafruit CharliePlex Bonnet is an innovative add-on board designed for the Raspberry Pi. It utilizes the Charlieplexing technique to control a multitude of LEDs with a minimal number of General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins. This bonnet is perfect for creating LED matrices, light-up projects, and custom lighting effects without the need for complex wiring or additional components.
Pin Number | Description | Notes |
1 | 3.3V Power Supply | Power from Raspberry Pi |
2 | Ground | Ground connection |
3-10 | GPIO Pins for LED Control | Used for Charlieplexing signals |
11-40 | Not connected/Reserved | Reserved for future use |
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-is31fl3731
import board
import busio
from adafruit_is31fl3731 import CharlieWing
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
matrix = CharlieWing(i2c)
for x in range(16): for y in range(8): matrix[x, y] = 50 # Set brightness to 50 out of 255 time.sleep(0.05) matrix[x, y] = 0 # Turn off LED after a short delay
Q: How many LEDs can the CharliePlex Bonnet control? A: The bonnet can control up to 128 LEDs in an 8x16 matrix configuration.
Q: Can I use the CharliePlex Bonnet with other Raspberry Pi models? A: Yes, the bonnet is compatible with any Raspberry Pi model that has a 40-pin GPIO header.
Q: Do I need to use resistors with the LEDs? A: No, the CharliePlex Bonnet has built-in resistors for current limiting.
Q: Can I control individual LED brightness? A: Yes, you can control the brightness of each LED using PWM through the provided library.
For further assistance, refer to the Adafruit CharliePlex Bonnet forums and community resources.