The CD74HC4046AE is a high-speed silicon-gate CMOS Phase Lock Loop (PLL) component manufactured by Texas Instruments. It is designed to achieve phase lock of an input signal within a specific frequency range. This component is widely used in communication systems, data synchronization, frequency synthesis, and modulation/demodulation applications.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | PD | Phase Detector Output |
2 | ZD | Zero Detect/Comparator Input |
3 | VCO IN | Voltage Controlled Oscillator Input |
4 | VCO OUT | Voltage Controlled Oscillator Output |
5 | C1 | Timing Capacitor |
6 | R1 | Timing Resistor |
7 | C2 | Timing Capacitor |
8 | GND | Ground |
9 | INH | Inhibit (Active High) |
10 | E/D | Edge Control (Enable/Disable) |
11 | PC1 | Phase Comparator 1 Output |
12 | PC2 | Phase Comparator 2 Output |
13 | DEM OUT | Demodulator Output |
14 | SIG IN | Signal Input |
15 | Vcc | Positive Supply Voltage |
16 | SIG IN | Signal Input |
Power Supply: Connect pin 15 (Vcc) to a positive supply voltage between 2V and 6V, and pin 8 (GND) to the ground.
Signal Input: Apply the input signal to pin 14 (SIG IN). Ensure the frequency of the input signal is within the VCO range.
VCO Configuration: Connect a timing capacitor to pin 5 (C1) and a timing resistor to pin 6 (R1) to set the free-running frequency of the VCO.
Phase Comparator: Choose between phase comparator 1 (PC1) and phase comparator 2 (PC2) by connecting the desired output to your circuit.
Output: The VCO output can be taken from pin 4 (VCO OUT), and the phase detector output from pin 1 (PD).
Q: Can the CD74HC4046AE be used for frequency multiplication?
Q: What is the function of the INH (Inhibit) pin?
Q: How do I choose the correct timing components for the VCO?
Below is an example code snippet for interfacing the CD74HC4046AE with an Arduino UNO. This example assumes you are using the VCO output to generate a frequency and monitor it using an Arduino pin.
// Define the VCO output pin connected to the Arduino
const int vcoOutputPin = 2; // VCO OUT from CD74HC4046AE connected to digital pin 2
void setup() {
// Set the VCO output pin as an input
pinMode(vcoOutputPin, INPUT);
// Begin serial communication at 9600 baud rate
void loop() {
// Measure the frequency of the VCO output
unsigned long frequency = measureFrequency(vcoOutputPin);
// Print the frequency to the Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Frequency: ");
Serial.println(" Hz");
// Wait for a second before measuring again
unsigned long measureFrequency(int pin) {
// Measure the duration of a high pulse on the specified pin
unsigned long duration = pulseIn(pin, HIGH);
// Calculate the frequency in Hertz (1/period)
unsigned long frequency = 0;
if (duration > 0) {
frequency = 1000000UL / duration; // Convert microseconds to Hertz
return frequency;
This code measures the frequency of the VCO output by timing the duration of a high pulse. The pulseIn
function is used to measure the duration of a pulse in microseconds, which is then converted to frequency in Hertz. The frequency is printed to the Serial Monitor every second.