The ESP8266 ESP-12E WiFi Module is a self-contained Wi-Fi networking solution, offering a high degree of integration and robustness. It is designed for space and power-constrained devices, making it ideal for internet of things (IoT) applications. The module can be used for adding wireless capabilities to existing devices or for building standalone networked devices.
Pin Number | Name | Function |
1 | VCC | Power supply (3.3V) |
2 | GND | Ground |
3 | TXD | Transmit Data (TX) |
4 | RXD | Receive Data (RX) |
5 | CH_PD | Chip Power-down (Active high) |
6 | GPIO2 | General Purpose I/O |
7 | GPIO0 | General Purpose I/O (Flash mode if pulled LOW) |
8 | RST | Reset (Active low) |
9 | GPIO15 | General Purpose I/O (Boot from SD card if pulled LOW) |
10 | GPIO13 | General Purpose I/O |
11 | GPIO12 | General Purpose I/O |
12 | GPIO14 | General Purpose I/O |
13 | GPIO16 | General Purpose I/O (Wake up from deep sleep if connected to RST) |
14 | ADC0 | Analog to Digital Converter input |
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
const char* ssid = "yourSSID"; // Replace with your network SSID
const char* password = "yourPASSWORD"; // Replace with your network password
void setup() {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.println("IP address: ");
void loop() {
// Your code here
Q: Can the ESP8266 ESP-12E be used with a 5V power supply? A: No, it requires a 3.3V power supply. Using 5V can damage the module.
Q: How do I flash new firmware onto the ESP8266 ESP-12E? A: To flash the firmware, pull GPIO0 LOW, reset the module, and use a serial adapter to upload the firmware.
Q: Can I use the ESP8266 ESP-12E with Arduino IDE? A: Yes, the Arduino IDE supports the ESP8266 with the installation of the appropriate board manager.
Q: What is the maximum range of the Wi-Fi connection? A: The range depends on several factors, including the environment and antenna used, but typically it is around 100 meters in open space.
This documentation provides an overview of the ESP8266 ESP-12E WiFi Module, its technical specifications, usage instructions, example code for Arduino UNO, and troubleshooting tips. For more detailed information, refer to the datasheet and technical references provided by the manufacturer.