An nMOS transistor, also known as an n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), is a fundamental electronic component widely used for amplifying or switching electronic signals. It operates by controlling the flow of electrons through a channel with an applied voltage. nMOS transistors are prevalent in digital circuits, power management applications, and as switches in various electronic devices.
Parameter | Description | Typical Values |
VDS | Drain-to-Source Voltage | Up to 100V or higher |
ID | Drain Current | Up to 10A or higher |
VGS | Gate-to-Source Voltage | ±10V to ±20V |
RDS(on) | Drain-to-Source On Resistance | Few milliohms to Ohms |
PD | Power Dissipation | Up to several Watts |
Qg | Total Gate Charge | Tens to hundreds of nC |
Pin Name | Description |
Gate (G) | Controls the flow of current through the channel |
Drain (D) | Where the controlled current leaves the transistor |
Source (S) | Where the controlled current enters the transistor |
Q: Can I drive an nMOS directly from a microcontroller? A: Yes, if the microcontroller can provide sufficient gate voltage. Otherwise, use a gate driver.
Q: What is the maximum frequency for switching an nMOS? A: It depends on the specific MOSFET's gate charge and the driver's capability. Check the datasheet for switching characteristics.
Q: How do I choose the right nMOS for my application? A: Consider the maximum drain-source voltage, drain current, power dissipation, and switching speed required for your application.
Below is an example code snippet for using an nMOS transistor to switch a high-power LED on and off with an Arduino UNO.
const int ledPin = 3; // Connect the LED+resistor to the Drain of the MOSFET
const int gatePin = 2; // Connect to the Gate of the MOSFET
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(gatePin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(gatePin, HIGH); // Turn on the LED
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
digitalWrite(gatePin, LOW); // Turn off the LED
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
Note: Ensure that the gate threshold voltage of the nMOS is compatible with the output voltage level of the Arduino pin. If not, use a gate driver or a level shifter.