An air quality sensor is an electronic device designed to detect and measure the presence and concentration of various pollutants and harmful substances in the air. These sensors are vital for monitoring the air quality in both indoor and outdoor environments, providing data that can be used to assess the health and safety of the surrounding area. Common applications include home air quality monitoring, industrial emission control, environmental monitoring, and integration into HVAC systems to improve air circulation and filtration.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | VCC | Power supply (3.3V - 5V) |
2 | GND | Ground connection |
3 | OUT | Analog or digital output signal |
4 | RX | UART receive pin (if applicable) |
5 | TX | UART transmit pin (if applicable) |
6 | SCL | I2C clock line (if applicable) |
7 | SDA | I2C data line (if applicable) |
Q: How often should the sensor be calibrated? A: Calibration frequency depends on the sensor's usage and the manufacturer's recommendations.
Q: Can the sensor be used outdoors? A: Some air quality sensors are designed for outdoor use, but check the specifications for environmental tolerances.
Q: What is the lifespan of an air quality sensor? A: The lifespan varies by sensor type and usage but typically ranges from 1 to 3 years.
#include <Wire.h> // Include the I2C library (required for some sensors)
// Define sensor I2C address (if applicable)
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at 9600 baud
Wire.begin(); // Initialize I2C communication
// Sensor initialization code (if required)
void loop() {
// Read data from the sensor
int airQuality = readAirQuality();
// Output the air quality value
// Wait for a bit before reading again
int readAirQuality() {
// Replace with actual sensor reading code
// This is a placeholder to show where sensor reading logic would go
int value = analogRead(A0); // Read the analog value from sensor
return value;
Note: The example code provided is a generic template for an Arduino UNO. The actual implementation will vary depending on the specific air quality sensor model and communication protocol used. Always refer to the sensor's datasheet for precise programming details.