A Peltier module, also known as a thermoelectric cooler (TEC), is a semiconductor-based electronic component that operates on the Peltier effect. It is capable of transferring heat from one side of the device to the other with the passage of electric current, resulting in a temperature differential. This unique property allows the Peltier module to either heat or cool an object or space, depending on the direction of the current. Common applications include electronic cooling systems, portable refrigerators, temperature control for optical devices, and even in experimental setups requiring precise temperature regulation.
Pin Number | Description |
1 | Positive Voltage (V+) |
2 | Negative Voltage (V-) |
To use a Peltier module in a circuit:
Q: Can I reverse the heating and cooling sides? A: Yes, reversing the polarity of the power supply will switch the hot and cold sides.
Q: How do I control the temperature with a Peltier module? A: You can control the temperature by adjusting the voltage or using a pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal to regulate the power.
Q: Is it possible to stack Peltier modules for greater temperature differential? A: While it is possible, it requires careful consideration of the power supply and heat sinking to prevent damage.
Below is an example code snippet for controlling a Peltier module with an Arduino UNO using PWM:
int peltierPin = 3; // Connect Peltier module to pin 3 (PWM capable)
void setup() {
pinMode(peltierPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Set PWM for Peltier module (0 (off) to 255 (max power))
analogWrite(peltierPin, 127); // 50% power
// Note: To reverse the heating/cooling effect, you can use a H-bridge.
// Add your code to control the temperature as needed.
Remember to use a suitable driver or a relay when connecting the Peltier module to the Arduino, as the module may require more current than the Arduino can directly supply.