A Wind Direction Sensor is an essential instrument in meteorology and various environmental monitoring applications. It is designed to measure the direction from which the wind is blowing. This sensor typically employs a wind vane, which aligns itself with the wind direction, and an electronic system to convert the vane's position into a readable output, such as degrees or cardinal directions (N, S, E, W). Common applications include weather stations, sailing, and agriculture, where wind direction data is crucial for decision-making.
Pin Number | Description | Notes |
1 | Analog Output | Connect to analog input on MCU |
2 | Power Supply (Vcc) | Connect to 5V power source |
3 | Ground (GND) | Connect to ground |
// Define the analog pin connected to the sensor
const int windDirectionPin = A0;
void setup() {
// Initialize serial communication at 9600 baud rate
void loop() {
// Read the analog value from the wind direction sensor
int sensorValue = analogRead(windDirectionPin);
// Convert the analog value to wind direction in degrees
int windDirection = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 360);
// Print the wind direction to the Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");
Serial.println(" degrees");
// Wait for a second before taking the next reading
Q: Can the sensor be used in heavy rain? A: While the sensor is designed for outdoor use, it should be protected from direct exposure to water to prevent damage.
Q: How often should the sensor be calibrated? A: Calibration should be done upon installation and periodically checked, especially after exposure to severe weather conditions.
Q: What is the maximum cable length for the sensor? A: To avoid signal degradation, keep the cable length as short as possible, preferably under 10 meters.
Note: The information provided in this documentation is based on a generic Wind Direction Sensor and may vary for specific models. Always refer to the manufacturer's datasheet for exact specifications and instructions.