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How to Use Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O): Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

Image of Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O)
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The Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O) is a versatile microcontroller board tailored for wireless projects. It is designed to simplify the process of working with Xbee modules for remote communication. The small form factor of the Arduino Fio makes it an ideal choice for prototyping wearable devices, remote sensors, and other applications where size and wireless capabilities are crucial.

Explore Projects Built with Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O)

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Arduino Nano-Based Smart Water Flow Monitoring System with LCD Display and Audio Alerts
Image of nongdocon: A project utilizing Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O) in a practical application
This circuit is a multi-functional system featuring an Arduino Nano that interfaces with various sensors and modules, including a water flow meter, a gas sensor, a relay, an I2C LCD display, and a DFPlayer Mini for audio output. The system is powered through an LM2596 voltage regulator and includes a push switch for user input, making it suitable for applications such as environmental monitoring or automated control systems.
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Arduino UNO-Based Security System with Fingerprint Authentication and Servo Lock Control
Image of FINGERPRINT DOORLOCK SYSTEM: A project utilizing Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O) in a practical application
This circuit features an Arduino UNO microcontroller interfaced with a servo motor, a pushbutton, a piezo buzzer, a fingerprint scanner, and an LCD I2C display. The servo is controlled by a PWM signal from the Arduino, while the pushbutton and buzzer are connected to digital I/O pins for user input and audible feedback, respectively. The fingerprint scanner is interfaced via serial communication for biometric identification, and the LCD display communicates over I2C to show information or status messages.
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Arduino UNO-Based Security System with RFID, Fingerprint Authentication, and IoT Connectivity
Image of SAM Mini Project: A project utilizing Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O) in a practical application
This circuit is designed to interface an Arduino UNO with various sensors and modules, including an IR sensor, RFID reader, fingerprint sensor, and an LCD display, with a buzzer for alerts. A bi-directional logic level converter is used to connect the Arduino to an ESP8266 NodeMCU for potential WiFi capabilities. The system's functionality is to be defined in the user-provided embedded code.
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Arduino and ESP32-Based Environmental Monitoring System with Ultrasonic and Water Flow Sensing
Image of Intelligent leak detection system : A project utilizing Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O) in a practical application
This circuit features an Arduino UNO interfaced with an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, a YF-S201 Water Flow Meter, and a BMP280 Barometric Pressure Sensor. The Arduino collects data from the sensors, with the BMP280 connected via I2C (A4-SDA, A5-SCL) and the HC-SR04 and YF-S201 connected to digital pins for triggering and signal reading. An ESP32 is also included, connected to the Arduino via serial communication (RX0-TX, TX0-RX), likely for wireless data transmission.
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Explore Projects Built with Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O)

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of nongdocon: A project utilizing Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O) in a practical application
Arduino Nano-Based Smart Water Flow Monitoring System with LCD Display and Audio Alerts
This circuit is a multi-functional system featuring an Arduino Nano that interfaces with various sensors and modules, including a water flow meter, a gas sensor, a relay, an I2C LCD display, and a DFPlayer Mini for audio output. The system is powered through an LM2596 voltage regulator and includes a push switch for user input, making it suitable for applications such as environmental monitoring or automated control systems.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of FINGERPRINT DOORLOCK SYSTEM: A project utilizing Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O) in a practical application
Arduino UNO-Based Security System with Fingerprint Authentication and Servo Lock Control
This circuit features an Arduino UNO microcontroller interfaced with a servo motor, a pushbutton, a piezo buzzer, a fingerprint scanner, and an LCD I2C display. The servo is controlled by a PWM signal from the Arduino, while the pushbutton and buzzer are connected to digital I/O pins for user input and audible feedback, respectively. The fingerprint scanner is interfaced via serial communication for biometric identification, and the LCD display communicates over I2C to show information or status messages.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of SAM Mini Project: A project utilizing Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O) in a practical application
Arduino UNO-Based Security System with RFID, Fingerprint Authentication, and IoT Connectivity
This circuit is designed to interface an Arduino UNO with various sensors and modules, including an IR sensor, RFID reader, fingerprint sensor, and an LCD display, with a buzzer for alerts. A bi-directional logic level converter is used to connect the Arduino to an ESP8266 NodeMCU for potential WiFi capabilities. The system's functionality is to be defined in the user-provided embedded code.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Intelligent leak detection system : A project utilizing Arduino Fio (Funnel I/O) in a practical application
Arduino and ESP32-Based Environmental Monitoring System with Ultrasonic and Water Flow Sensing
This circuit features an Arduino UNO interfaced with an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, a YF-S201 Water Flow Meter, and a BMP280 Barometric Pressure Sensor. The Arduino collects data from the sensors, with the BMP280 connected via I2C (A4-SDA, A5-SCL) and the HC-SR04 and YF-S201 connected to digital pins for triggering and signal reading. An ESP32 is also included, connected to the Arduino via serial communication (RX0-TX, TX0-RX), likely for wireless data transmission.
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Common Applications and Use Cases

  • Wearable electronics
  • Remote sensor networks
  • Wireless data logging
  • Home automation systems
  • UAVs and robotics

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

  • Microcontroller: ATmega328P
  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V
  • Input Voltage: 3.35-12V (battery), 5V (USB)
  • Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
  • Analog Input Pins: 8
  • DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
  • Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega328P) of which 2 KB used by bootloader
  • SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328P)
  • EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328P)
  • Clock Speed: 8 MHz

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Function Description
1-14 Digital I/O Digital pins, PWM available on pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11
A0-A7 Analog Input Analog input pins
AREF Analog Reference Reference voltage for the analog inputs
GND Ground Ground pin
RST Reset Used to reset the microcontroller
3V3 3.3V Supply 3.3V output from the onboard regulator
BAT Battery Supply Connection for a LiPo battery
TXO Transmit UART transmit pin, for serial communication
RXI Receive UART receive pin, for serial communication

Usage Instructions

How to Use the Component in a Circuit

  1. Powering the Arduino Fio:

    • You can power the Arduino Fio through a LiPo battery connected to the 'BAT' pin or via USB.
  2. Programming the Arduino Fio:

    • Connect the board to your computer using a USB cable.
    • Select 'Arduino Fio' from the Tools > Board menu in the Arduino IDE.
    • Choose the correct serial port from Tools > Port.
    • Upload your sketch using the Arduino IDE.
  3. Using the Xbee Socket:

    • Insert an Xbee module into the socket, ensuring correct orientation.
    • Use the SoftwareSerial library to communicate with the Xbee module via the digital pins.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Always ensure the battery polarity is correct to prevent damage.
  • When using the Xbee module, configure it properly for the intended application.
  • Avoid exposing the board to moisture or extreme temperatures.
  • Disconnect the battery before connecting the board to USB to avoid charging issues.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • Board not recognized by the computer:
    • Ensure the USB cable is properly connected and the correct drivers are installed.
  • Xbee module not communicating:
    • Check the Xbee configuration and ensure it is compatible with the devices you are trying to communicate with.
  • Sketch not uploading:
    • Verify the correct board and port are selected in the Arduino IDE. Reset the board and try again.

Solutions and Tips for Troubleshooting

  • If the board is not recognized, try a different USB cable or port.
  • For Xbee communication issues, use the Xbee configuration software to check the module settings.
  • Ensure the battery is charged if the board is not functioning correctly.


Q: Can I use the Arduino Fio with a standard Arduino shield? A: The Fio has a different form factor and pinout, so it may not be compatible with standard shields designed for the Arduino Uno or similar boards.

Q: How do I charge the connected LiPo battery? A: The Arduino Fio does not support charging the LiPo battery. You will need an external charger.

Q: What is the maximum range of the Xbee module? A: The range depends on the specific Xbee module used and the environment. Refer to the module's datasheet for detailed information.

Example Code for Arduino UNO

Here is a simple example of how to blink an LED on pin 13 of the Arduino Fio:

// Blink an LED on pin 13

void setup() {
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Initialize pin 13 as an output

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Turn the LED on
  delay(1000);            // Wait for a second
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);  // Turn the LED off
  delay(1000);            // Wait for a second

Remember to comment your code adequately and keep line lengths within 80 characters for readability.