A Zener diode is a special type of semiconductor diode that permits current to flow not only from its anode to its cathode, but also in the reverse direction when the Zener voltage is reached. The 12V Zener diode is designed to maintain a stable voltage of 12 volts across its terminals, making it an essential component in voltage regulation and overvoltage protection circuits. Common applications include power supply stabilization, voltage reference in measurement devices, and protection of sensitive electronics from voltage spikes.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | Anode | The terminal to connect to the lower potential side in forward bias |
2 | Cathode | The terminal to connect to the higher potential side; marked by a band on the diode |
Voltage Regulation:
Overvoltage Protection:
Q: Can I use a 12V Zener diode in a 5V circuit? A: Yes, but it will not regulate the voltage unless the supply voltage exceeds 12V.
Q: What happens if the current exceeds the maximum rating of the Zener diode? A: The diode may become damaged due to overheating. Always use a current limiting resistor.
Q: How do I choose the right current limiting resistor? A: Calculate the resistor value using Ohm's law: R = (Vsupply - Vzener) / Iz, where Iz is the desired current through the Zener diode.
// Example code to demonstrate the use of a 12V Zener diode for overvoltage protection
// with an Arduino UNO. This code assumes a hypothetical sensor input that may experience
// voltage spikes.
const int sensorPin = A0; // Sensor connected to A0 pin
int sensorValue = 0; // Variable to store the sensor value
void setup() {
void loop() {
sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // Read the sensor value
Serial.println(sensorValue); // Print the sensor value to the serial monitor
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second before the next read
// Note: Connect the Zener diode across the sensor output and ground with the cathode
// (marked side) to the sensor output and the anode to the ground. This will protect
// the Arduino input from voltage spikes above 12V.
Remember to keep the Zener diode's orientation correct, and ensure that the sensor output does not exceed the Arduino's maximum voltage rating (5V) under normal operating conditions. The Zener diode will clamp the voltage during spikes, protecting the microcontroller's input pin.