The Adafruit Trinket 3V is a compact and versatile microcontroller board that harnesses the capabilities of the ATtiny85 microcontroller. Designed for hobbyists and professionals alike, the Trinket 3V offers a cost-effective platform for projects where space is at a premium and power consumption is a concern. Its small size makes it ideal for wearables, portable projects, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Pin # | Name | Description |
1 | BAT+ | Battery input for an external power supply (3.5V to 16V) |
2 | GND | Ground pin |
3 | 5V | Regulated output used to power external components |
4 | #0 | GPIO pin, also used for USB data- if USB is enabled |
5 | #1 | GPIO pin, also used for USB data+ if USB is enabled |
6 | #2 | GPIO pin, can also function as an analog input (A1) |
7 | #3 | GPIO pin, can also function as an analog input (A3) and PWM output |
8 | #4 | GPIO pin, can also function as an analog input (A2) and PWM output |
9 | RESET | Reset pin (active low) |
// Blink an LED connected to pin #2 on the Adafruit Trinket 3V
#define LED_PIN 2
void setup() {
// Set the LED pin as an output
void loop() {
// Turn the LED on
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
// Turn the LED off
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
Note: This code is for demonstration purposes and assumes that an LED with an appropriate current-limiting resistor is connected to pin #2 of the Trinket 3V.
For further assistance, refer to the Adafruit Trinket 3V forums and the extensive online resources available for troubleshooting and project ideas.