The 74HC74 is a dual positive-edge triggered D-type flip-flop with individual data, set, reset, and clock inputs; and Q and Q-bar outputs. This integrated circuit (IC) is widely used in digital electronics for storing and processing binary data. It is a fundamental building block in sequential logic circuits, counters, shift registers, and memory storage devices.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | 1CLR | Direct clear input for flip-flop 1 (active low) |
2 | 1D | Data input for flip-flop 1 |
3 | 1CLK | Clock input for flip-flop 1 (rising edge-triggered) |
4 | 1PR | Direct set input for flip-flop 1 (active low) |
5 | 1Q | Non-inverted output for flip-flop 1 |
6 | 1Q̅ | Inverted output for flip-flop 1 |
7 | GND | Ground (0V) |
8 | 2Q̅ | Inverted output for flip-flop 2 |
9 | 2Q | Non-inverted output for flip-flop 2 |
10 | 2PR | Direct set input for flip-flop 2 (active low) |
11 | 2CLK | Clock input for flip-flop 2 (rising edge-triggered) |
12 | 2D | Data input for flip-flop 2 |
13 | 2CLR | Direct clear input for flip-flop 2 (active low) |
14 | V_CC | Positive supply voltage |
Q: Can I use the 74HC74 at 5V? A: Yes, the 74HC74 operates within a range of 2V to 6V, so it is compatible with a 5V supply.
Q: What happens if I don't connect the set or reset pins? A: The set (PR) and reset (CLR) pins are active-low inputs. If left unconnected, they can potentially float to a low level and undesirably set or reset the flip-flop. It is best practice to tie these pins to V_CC if they are not used.
Q: How fast can the 74HC74 operate? A: The maximum operating frequency depends on the supply voltage, but it can typically operate at several megahertz. Check the propagation delay specifications in the datasheet for more precise timing information.
// Example code to toggle the state of the flip-flop on an Arduino UNO
const int clockPin = 2; // Connect to 1CLK or 2CLK
const int dataPin = 3; // Connect to 1D or 2D
const int resetPin = 4; // Connect to 1CLR or 2CLR (active low)
void setup() {
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(resetPin, OUTPUT);
// Reset the flip-flop at the start
digitalWrite(resetPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH);
void loop() {
// Set data to HIGH
digitalWrite(dataPin, HIGH);
// Toggle the clock to store the data
digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH);
delay(10); // Wait for more than the setup time
digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);
// Set data to LOW
digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW);
// Toggle the clock to store the data
digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH);
delay(10); // Wait for more than the setup time
digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
This code demonstrates how to toggle the state of the flip-flop using an Arduino UNO. The flip-flop stores the value present on the data pin at the rising edge of the clock signal. The reset pin is used to clear the flip-flop at the beginning of the program. Ensure that the 74HC74's V_CC and GND pins are connected to the Arduino's 5V and GND, respectively.