The AD9833 is a low-power, programmable waveform generator capable of producing sine, triangle, and square waves. This integrated circuit (IC) is controlled via a serial peripheral interface (SPI), allowing for the precise generation of waveforms for use in a variety of applications such as signal generation, local oscillators in communication systems, and function generators for testing and research.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | VDD | Positive power supply (2.3V to 5.5V) |
2 | GND | Ground reference for the power supply |
3 | SCLK | Serial clock input for SPI interface |
4 | SDATA | Serial data input for SPI interface |
5 | FSYNC | Frame synchronization signal for SPI interface |
6 | MCLK | Master clock input (up to 25 MHz) |
7 | COMP | Comparator output for square wave generation |
8 | VOUT | Analog output for sine or triangle wave |
#include <SPI.h>
// Define the SPI pins for Arduino UNO
const int FSYNC = 10; // Frame synchronization pin
const int SCLK = 13; // Serial clock pin
const int SDATA = 11; // Serial data pin
void setup() {
// Set the SPI pins to output
digitalWrite(FSYNC, HIGH); // Set FSYNC high to start with
SPI.begin(); // Initialize SPI interface
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // Set SPI clock speed
// Initialize the AD9833 with a frequency of 1kHz
void loop() {
// The main loop can be used to update the frequency or waveform as needed
void initAD9833(unsigned long frequency) {
// Calculate the frequency register value
unsigned long freqReg = (frequency * pow(2, 28)) / 25000000UL;
// Split the register value into two parts
unsigned int MSB = (unsigned int)((freqReg & 0xFFFC000) >> 14);
unsigned int LSB = (unsigned int)(freqReg & 0x3FFF);
// Set control bits for the frequency register
MSB |= 0x4000;
LSB |= 0x4000;
// Start the SPI transaction
digitalWrite(FSYNC, LOW);
SPI.transfer16(0x2100); // Reset the AD9833
SPI.transfer16(LSB); // Set lower 14 bits of frequency
SPI.transfer16(MSB); // Set upper 14 bits of frequency
SPI.transfer16(0xC000); // Phase register
SPI.transfer16(0x2000); // Exit reset
digitalWrite(FSYNC, HIGH);
Q: Can the AD9833 generate other waveforms besides sine, triangle, and square? A: The AD9833 is designed to generate sine, triangle, and square waves. For other waveforms, consider using a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with a microcontroller.
Q: How can I change the waveform type? A: The waveform type can be changed by sending the appropriate control bits via the SPI interface. Refer to the AD9833 datasheet for the specific bits to set for each waveform type.
Q: What is the maximum frequency the AD9833 can generate? A: The AD9833 can generate frequencies up to 12.5 MHz, but this is dependent on the MCLK frequency provided.
Q: Is it possible to synchronize multiple AD9833 devices? A: Yes, multiple AD9833 devices can be synchronized by sharing the same MCLK signal and carefully managing the FSYNC signals for each device.