The 74LS32 is a quad 2-input OR gate that provides four independent OR functions. It belongs to the Low Power Schottky TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) family, which is known for its fast switching times and low power consumption. This component is widely used in digital circuits for implementing logical operations, signal routing, and data processing.
Parameter | Value |
Supply Voltage (Vcc) | 4.75V to 5.25V |
Input Voltage (VIH) | 2.0V (minimum high level) |
Input Voltage (VIL) | 0.8V (maximum low level) |
Output Voltage (VOH) | 2.7V (minimum high level) |
Output Voltage (VOL) | 0.4V (maximum low level) |
Maximum Output Current | 6 mA |
Power Dissipation | 1.0 W (max) |
Operating Temperature | -40°C to +85°C |
Pin Number | Pin Name | Description |
1 | A1 | Input A for OR gate 1 |
2 | B1 | Input B for OR gate 1 |
3 | Y1 | Output for OR gate 1 |
4 | A2 | Input A for OR gate 2 |
5 | B2 | Input B for OR gate 2 |
6 | Y2 | Output for OR gate 2 |
7 | GND | Ground connection |
8 | Y3 | Output for OR gate 3 |
9 | A3 | Input A for OR gate 3 |
10 | B3 | Input B for OR gate 3 |
11 | Y4 | Output for OR gate 4 |
12 | A4 | Input A for OR gate 4 |
13 | B4 | Input B for OR gate 4 |
14 | Vcc | Supply voltage connection |
No Output Signal:
Incorrect Output:
If you are using the 74LS32 with an Arduino UNO, you can control the OR gates using digital pins. Below is a simple example code that demonstrates how to use the 74LS32 in an Arduino project.
// Define pin connections
const int inputA1 = 2; // A1 connected to pin 2
const int inputB1 = 3; // B1 connected to pin 3
const int outputY1 = 4; // Y1 connected to pin 4
void setup() {
// Set pin modes
pinMode(inputA1, INPUT);
pinMode(inputB1, INPUT);
pinMode(outputY1, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read inputs
int a = digitalRead(inputA1);
int b = digitalRead(inputB1);
// Perform OR operation
int result = a | b;
// Set output
digitalWrite(outputY1, result);
// Small delay for stability
This code reads the inputs connected to A1 and B1, performs the OR operation, and sets the output Y1 accordingly. Make sure to connect the inputs to the appropriate pins on the Arduino UNO.