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How to Use MCP6S28: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

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The MCP6S28 from Microchip is a versatile 4-channel programmable gain amplifier (PGA) with an SPI interface. This component is designed to select one of four analog input signals and route it to a single output while allowing for gain adjustments via digital control. It is commonly used in applications where signal amplification and multiplexing are required, such as in data acquisition systems, sensor interfaces, and audio processing.

Explore Projects Built with MCP6S28

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
I2C-Controlled Relay Switching with ESP32 and MCP23017 for Home Automation
Image of Vloerverwarming: A project utilizing MCP6S28 in a practical application
This circuit appears to be a control system utilizing two MCP23017 I/O expanders interfaced with an Olimex ESP32-EVB microcontroller via I2C communication, as indicated by the SDA and SCL connections with pull-up resistors. The MCP23017 expanders control an 8-channel relay module, allowing the microcontroller to switch various loads, potentially for home automation or industrial control. Additionally, there is an Adafruit ADS1115 16-bit ADC for analog signal measurement, and several heating actuators and a thermostat are connected, suggesting temperature control functionality.
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Wi-Fi Controlled Smart Relay Switch with ESP8266 and MCP23017
Image of Bed Room: A project utilizing MCP6S28 in a practical application
This circuit is designed to control an 8-channel relay module via an ESP8266 microcontroller, which interfaces with an MCP23017 I/O expander over I2C. The ESP8266 connects to a WiFi network and subscribes to MQTT topics to receive commands for toggling the relays. Additionally, there are toggle switches connected to the MCP23017 that allow manual control of the relays, with the system's state being reported back via MQTT.
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ESP32-Based Vibration Motor Controller with I2C IO Expansion
Image of VIBRATYION: A project utilizing MCP6S28 in a practical application
This circuit features an ESP32 Wroom Dev Kit microcontroller interfaced with an MCP23017 I/O expansion board via I2C communication, utilizing GPIO 21 and GPIO 22 for SDA and SCL lines, respectively. A vibration motor is controlled by an NPN transistor acting as a switch, with a diode for back EMF protection and a resistor to limit base current. The ESP32 can control the motor by sending signals to the MCP23017, which then interfaces with the transistor to turn the motor on or off.
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Wi-Fi Controlled Relay Module with ESP8266 and MCP23017
Image of smart home: A project utilizing MCP6S28 in a practical application
This circuit is a WiFi-enabled relay control system using an ESP8266-01 module and an MCP23017 I/O expander. The ESP8266 communicates with the MCP23017 via I2C to control an 8-channel relay module based on the state of 8 rocker switches, allowing for remote and manual control of connected devices.
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Explore Projects Built with MCP6S28

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of Vloerverwarming: A project utilizing MCP6S28 in a practical application
I2C-Controlled Relay Switching with ESP32 and MCP23017 for Home Automation
This circuit appears to be a control system utilizing two MCP23017 I/O expanders interfaced with an Olimex ESP32-EVB microcontroller via I2C communication, as indicated by the SDA and SCL connections with pull-up resistors. The MCP23017 expanders control an 8-channel relay module, allowing the microcontroller to switch various loads, potentially for home automation or industrial control. Additionally, there is an Adafruit ADS1115 16-bit ADC for analog signal measurement, and several heating actuators and a thermostat are connected, suggesting temperature control functionality.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Bed Room: A project utilizing MCP6S28 in a practical application
Wi-Fi Controlled Smart Relay Switch with ESP8266 and MCP23017
This circuit is designed to control an 8-channel relay module via an ESP8266 microcontroller, which interfaces with an MCP23017 I/O expander over I2C. The ESP8266 connects to a WiFi network and subscribes to MQTT topics to receive commands for toggling the relays. Additionally, there are toggle switches connected to the MCP23017 that allow manual control of the relays, with the system's state being reported back via MQTT.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of VIBRATYION: A project utilizing MCP6S28 in a practical application
ESP32-Based Vibration Motor Controller with I2C IO Expansion
This circuit features an ESP32 Wroom Dev Kit microcontroller interfaced with an MCP23017 I/O expansion board via I2C communication, utilizing GPIO 21 and GPIO 22 for SDA and SCL lines, respectively. A vibration motor is controlled by an NPN transistor acting as a switch, with a diode for back EMF protection and a resistor to limit base current. The ESP32 can control the motor by sending signals to the MCP23017, which then interfaces with the transistor to turn the motor on or off.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of smart home: A project utilizing MCP6S28 in a practical application
Wi-Fi Controlled Relay Module with ESP8266 and MCP23017
This circuit is a WiFi-enabled relay control system using an ESP8266-01 module and an MCP23017 I/O expander. The ESP8266 communicates with the MCP23017 via I2C to control an 8-channel relay module based on the state of 8 rocker switches, allowing for remote and manual control of connected devices.
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Common Applications

  • Data acquisition systems
  • Sensor signal conditioning
  • Audio processing and mixing
  • Medical instrumentation
  • Industrial control systems

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

  • Supply Voltage: 2.5V to 5.5V
  • Gain Selection: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, or 32 times
  • Input Offset Voltage: 150 µV (max)
  • Bandwidth: Up to 2 MHz
  • Low Current Consumption: 1 mA (typical)
  • Extended Temperature Range: -40°C to +125°C

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Name Description
1 CS Chip Select (active low)
2 SCK Serial Clock Input
3 SDI Serial Data Input
4 Vss Ground
5 CH0 Analog Input Channel 0
6 CH1 Analog Input Channel 1
7 CH2 Analog Input Channel 2
8 CH3 Analog Input Channel 3
9 Vout Analog Output
10 Vdd Positive Power Supply

Usage Instructions

How to Use the MCP6S28 in a Circuit

  1. Power Supply: Connect Vdd to a 2.5V to 5.5V power supply and Vss to ground.
  2. SPI Interface: Connect CS, SCK, and SDI to the corresponding SPI pins on your microcontroller.
  3. Analog Inputs: Connect the analog signals to CH0 through CH3 as required.
  4. Analog Output: Connect Vout to the next stage in your signal processing chain.
  5. Programming: Use the SPI interface to send commands to the MCP6S28 to select the desired channel and gain.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Ensure that the power supply is within the specified range and is stable.
  • Keep analog signal paths as short as possible to minimize noise pickup.
  • Use proper decoupling capacitors close to the Vdd and Vss pins to filter out power supply noise.
  • When designing the PCB, keep digital and analog sections separate to reduce interference.
  • Ensure that the SPI clock speed does not exceed the maximum frequency specified by the datasheet.

Example Code for Arduino UNO

#include <SPI.h>

// MCP6S28 SPI Commands
const byte MCP6S28_WRITE_CMD = 0x40; // Write command for MCP6S28
const byte MCP6S28_GAIN_CMD = 0x00;  // Gain setting command

// SPI Pin Definitions
const int CS_PIN = 10; // Chip Select pin for MCP6S28

void setup() {
  // Initialize SPI
  pinMode(CS_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH); // Deselect the MCP6S28

void loop() {
  // Select channel 0 and set gain to 1
  setPGAChannelAndGain(0, 1);
  // Add your application code here

void setPGAChannelAndGain(byte channel, byte gain) {
  // Ensure channel is within 0-3 and gain is a valid value
  channel = channel & 0x03;
  gain = gain & 0x0F;

  // Start SPI transaction
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);
  SPI.transfer(MCP6S28_WRITE_CMD); // Send write command
  SPI.transfer((channel << 4) | gain); // Send channel and gain settings
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH); // End SPI transaction

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • No Output Signal: Ensure that the correct channel is selected and that the gain is set appropriately. Also, check the power supply and SPI connections.
  • Signal Distortion: Verify that the input signal does not exceed the voltage range of the selected channel. Also, check for proper grounding and decoupling.
  • Communication Errors: Make sure that the SPI clock frequency is within the specified limits and that the CS, SCK, and SDI connections are secure.

Solutions and Tips for Troubleshooting

  • Double-check all connections and ensure that solder joints are solid and free of shorts.
  • Use an oscilloscope to verify the SPI signals and the analog output.
  • If experiencing noise issues, consider adding shielding to analog signal lines and using twisted-pair wires.


Q: Can the MCP6S28 be used with a single-ended and differential input? A: Yes, the MCP6S28 can be configured for both single-ended and differential inputs.

Q: What is the maximum SPI clock frequency for the MCP6S28? A: The maximum SPI clock frequency is 10 MHz.

Q: How do I change the gain setting? A: Gain settings can be changed by sending the appropriate command and data via the SPI interface, as shown in the example code.

Q: Is the MCP6S28 suitable for high-precision applications? A: The MCP6S28 is suitable for many precision applications, but the suitability depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as noise performance and bandwidth.