The MCP6S28 from Microchip is a versatile 4-channel programmable gain amplifier (PGA) with an SPI interface. This component is designed to select one of four analog input signals and route it to a single output while allowing for gain adjustments via digital control. It is commonly used in applications where signal amplification and multiplexing are required, such as in data acquisition systems, sensor interfaces, and audio processing.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | CS | Chip Select (active low) |
2 | SCK | Serial Clock Input |
3 | SDI | Serial Data Input |
4 | Vss | Ground |
5 | CH0 | Analog Input Channel 0 |
6 | CH1 | Analog Input Channel 1 |
7 | CH2 | Analog Input Channel 2 |
8 | CH3 | Analog Input Channel 3 |
9 | Vout | Analog Output |
10 | Vdd | Positive Power Supply |
#include <SPI.h>
// MCP6S28 SPI Commands
const byte MCP6S28_WRITE_CMD = 0x40; // Write command for MCP6S28
const byte MCP6S28_GAIN_CMD = 0x00; // Gain setting command
// SPI Pin Definitions
const int CS_PIN = 10; // Chip Select pin for MCP6S28
void setup() {
// Initialize SPI
pinMode(CS_PIN, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH); // Deselect the MCP6S28
void loop() {
// Select channel 0 and set gain to 1
setPGAChannelAndGain(0, 1);
// Add your application code here
void setPGAChannelAndGain(byte channel, byte gain) {
// Ensure channel is within 0-3 and gain is a valid value
channel = channel & 0x03;
gain = gain & 0x0F;
// Start SPI transaction
digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);
SPI.transfer(MCP6S28_WRITE_CMD); // Send write command
SPI.transfer((channel << 4) | gain); // Send channel and gain settings
digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH); // End SPI transaction
Q: Can the MCP6S28 be used with a single-ended and differential input? A: Yes, the MCP6S28 can be configured for both single-ended and differential inputs.
Q: What is the maximum SPI clock frequency for the MCP6S28? A: The maximum SPI clock frequency is 10 MHz.
Q: How do I change the gain setting? A: Gain settings can be changed by sending the appropriate command and data via the SPI interface, as shown in the example code.
Q: Is the MCP6S28 suitable for high-precision applications? A: The MCP6S28 is suitable for many precision applications, but the suitability depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as noise performance and bandwidth.