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How to Use kY-026 Flame Sensor: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

Image of kY-026 Flame Sensor
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The KY-026 Flame Sensor is a compact electronic device designed to detect infrared (IR) radiation emitted by flames. This sensor is widely used in fire alarm systems, fire-fighting robots, and other fire detection applications. It can also be utilized in projects that require flame or heat detection, such as automatic cookers or environmental monitoring systems.

Explore Projects Built with kY-026 Flame Sensor

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
ESP32 and KY-026 Flame Sensor Fire Detection System
Image of flame sensor testing: A project utilizing kY-026 Flame Sensor in a practical application
This circuit consists of an ESP32 microcontroller connected to a KY-026 Flame Sensor. The ESP32 provides power to the flame sensor and reads the digital output signal from the sensor to detect the presence of a flame.
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Flame Sensor Activated Water Pump and Buzzer System with LED Indicator
Image of soil sensor: A project utilizing kY-026 Flame Sensor in a practical application
This circuit is a flame detection and response system. When the KY-026 Flame Sensor detects a flame, it activates a PNP transistor, which in turn powers a water pump and a buzzer to alert and extinguish the flame. Additionally, an LED indicator is used to show the system's status, and a rocker switch controls the power supply from a 5V battery.
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Arduino UNO Based Flame Detection and Motor Control System
Image of Blueberry: A project utilizing kY-026 Flame Sensor in a practical application
This circuit features an Arduino UNO microcontroller connected to multiple KY-026 Flame Sensors, servos, a DC motor, and red LEDs. The flame sensors are interfaced with the Arduino's analog inputs to detect the presence of flames, while the servos and DC motor are controlled via digital outputs, likely for some form of automated response. The red LEDs are connected to digital outputs for visual indication, and the entire system is powered by a 2x 18650 battery pack through an L298N motor driver that also controls the DC motor.
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Arduino UNO Based Flame Detection System
Image of flame_wiring: A project utilizing kY-026 Flame Sensor in a practical application
This circuit connects an Arduino UNO to a KY-026 Flame Sensor for detecting the presence of a flame. The Arduino is powered by its 5V pin, and it monitors the digital output (DO) from the flame sensor on its digital pin D6. The code provided for the Arduino is currently a template without specific functionality, indicating that the user is expected to implement the flame detection logic in the loop function.
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Explore Projects Built with kY-026 Flame Sensor

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of flame sensor testing: A project utilizing kY-026 Flame Sensor in a practical application
ESP32 and KY-026 Flame Sensor Fire Detection System
This circuit consists of an ESP32 microcontroller connected to a KY-026 Flame Sensor. The ESP32 provides power to the flame sensor and reads the digital output signal from the sensor to detect the presence of a flame.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of soil sensor: A project utilizing kY-026 Flame Sensor in a practical application
Flame Sensor Activated Water Pump and Buzzer System with LED Indicator
This circuit is a flame detection and response system. When the KY-026 Flame Sensor detects a flame, it activates a PNP transistor, which in turn powers a water pump and a buzzer to alert and extinguish the flame. Additionally, an LED indicator is used to show the system's status, and a rocker switch controls the power supply from a 5V battery.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Blueberry: A project utilizing kY-026 Flame Sensor in a practical application
Arduino UNO Based Flame Detection and Motor Control System
This circuit features an Arduino UNO microcontroller connected to multiple KY-026 Flame Sensors, servos, a DC motor, and red LEDs. The flame sensors are interfaced with the Arduino's analog inputs to detect the presence of flames, while the servos and DC motor are controlled via digital outputs, likely for some form of automated response. The red LEDs are connected to digital outputs for visual indication, and the entire system is powered by a 2x 18650 battery pack through an L298N motor driver that also controls the DC motor.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of flame_wiring: A project utilizing kY-026 Flame Sensor in a practical application
Arduino UNO Based Flame Detection System
This circuit connects an Arduino UNO to a KY-026 Flame Sensor for detecting the presence of a flame. The Arduino is powered by its 5V pin, and it monitors the digital output (DO) from the flame sensor on its digital pin D6. The code provided for the Arduino is currently a template without specific functionality, indicating that the user is expected to implement the flame detection logic in the loop function.
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Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V to 5V DC
  • Output Type: Digital and Analog
  • Detection Wavelength: 760 nm to 1100 nm (Infrared spectrum)
  • Detection Angle: Approximately 60 degrees
  • Response Time: < 1 second
  • Operating Temperature: -25°C to 85°C

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Description
VCC Connects to the power supply (3.3V to 5V DC)
GND Connects to the ground of the power supply
DO Digital output pin, goes high when flame is detected
AO Analog output pin, provides an analog voltage proportional to the flame intensity

Usage Instructions

Connecting the KY-026 to a Circuit

  1. Connect the VCC pin to the 5V output on the Arduino UNO or the power supply.
  2. Connect the GND pin to the ground on the Arduino UNO or the power supply.
  3. Connect the DO pin to a digital input pin on the Arduino UNO if you wish to use the digital output.
  4. Connect the AO pin to an analog input pin on the Arduino UNO if you wish to use the analog output.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Avoid exposing the sensor to direct sunlight or other strong IR sources, as this may cause false alarms.
  • The sensor's sensitivity can be adjusted using the onboard potentiometer. Turn it clockwise to increase sensitivity and counterclockwise to decrease it.
  • Ensure that the sensor is mounted away from heat sources that are not indicative of flames to prevent false readings.
  • Use the digital output for simple flame detection (flame present or not) and the analog output for measuring the intensity of the flame.

Example Code for Arduino UNO

// KY-026 Flame Sensor Example Code
int flamePin = 2;    // Digital pin connected to the sensor's DO pin
int flameValue = 0;  // Variable to store the flame sensor status

void setup() {
  pinMode(flamePin, INPUT);  // Initialize the flamePin as an input
  Serial.begin(9600);        // Start serial communication at 9600 baud rate

void loop() {
  flameValue = digitalRead(flamePin);  // Read the digital value from the sensor
  if (flameValue == LOW) {             // If a flame is detected
    Serial.println("Flame detected!");
    // Implement additional actions such as activating an alarm or safety mechanism
  } else {
    Serial.println("No flame detected.");
  delay(1000);  // Wait for 1 second before the next read

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • False Alarms: Adjust the sensitivity potentiometer on the sensor to reduce false positives.
  • No Response: Ensure that the sensor is correctly powered and that all connections are secure.
  • Inconsistent Readings: Avoid placing the sensor in environments with rapid temperature changes or near other IR sources.

Solutions and Tips for Troubleshooting

  • If the sensor is not detecting flames consistently, try increasing the sensitivity by adjusting the potentiometer.
  • Check the power supply voltage and connections if the sensor is unresponsive.
  • Use shielded cables for longer connections to minimize electrical noise interference.


Q: Can the KY-026 Flame Sensor detect smoke? A: No, the KY-026 is designed to detect infrared radiation from flames, not smoke particles.

Q: What is the range of the sensor? A: The sensor can typically detect flames up to a distance of 1 meter, depending on the size and intensity of the flame.

Q: Is the KY-026 Flame Sensor waterproof? A: No, the KY-026 is not waterproof. Protect it from moisture to ensure proper operation.

Q: Can I use the analog output to determine the size of the flame? A: The analog output provides a voltage proportional to the flame's intensity, which can be used as an approximate measure of the flame size. However, it is not a precise measurement tool for flame size.

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to using the KY-026 Flame Sensor with an Arduino UNO. For further assistance or advanced applications, consult the sensor's datasheet or contact technical support.